Sprinting And Its Correlation To Pitching Velocity

Adding sprint training to your training is highly beneficial for pitchers. The correlation between sprinting and pitching velocity can be attributed to several biomechanical and physiological factors that influence both sprinting and pitching performance. Many studies have shown a correlation to sprint speed in the 10-30 yard range and pitching velocity. Let’s dive into some reasons why sprinting might have such a positive effect on pitching velocity.

Although all independent variables significantly correlated with the kinetic energies of pitched and hit balls, the multiple regression analysis showed that only some variables were predictors for baseball performance. For pitching, these were age, BMI, standing long jump, 10-m sprint, and grip strength. For batting, the predictive variables were age, BMI, standing long jump, and back strength. These results indicated that the score of a standing long jump is a good predictor of baseball performance in both pitching and batting for youth players. As mentioned in the Introduction, strength of the lower leg muscles plays an important role in the batting performance in both adult and youth players. Additionally, this strength would also be associated with pitching performance because lower extremity movements contribute to the generation of ball velocity and are involved in the dynamic control of the body in movements, which require various types of unilateral and/or bilateral support during pitching. Sprint ability is an important indicator for predicting the kinetic energy of pitched balls. (3)

1. Lower Body Explosiveness: The ability to generate power and explosive force from the lower body is crucial for both sprinting and pitching. The 10-yard dash measures an athlete's initial acceleration and burst of speed, which relies heavily on explosive leg strength. Similarly, pitching requires a rapid transfer of energy from the lower body to the upper body to generate velocity.

2. Kinetic Chain Transfer: Both sprinting and pitching involve the kinetic chain, where forces are sequentially transferred from one body segment to another. In sprinting, the force generated by the legs is transferred through the core to the upper body. Similarly, pitching involves a kinetic chain transfer from the lower body to the arm, allowing pitchers to generate speed and power.

3. Core Strength and Stability: Effective sprinting and pitching both require a strong and stable core. A powerful core aids in maintaining proper posture and alignment during movements, leading to improved force transmission. This is essential for generating maximum speed during sprinting and optimizing the transfer of energy during pitching.

4. Acceleration and Deceleration: The 10-yard dash measures an athlete's ability to accelerate quickly. In pitching, the ability to rapidly accelerate the pelvis and then decelerate it effectively is crucial for generating velocity and preventing injury. Both activities require efficient control over acceleration and deceleration.

5. Neuromuscular Coordination: Sprinting and pitching demand precise neuromuscular coordination to execute complex movements with maximum efficiency. Athletes who excel in one area may possess inherent neuromuscular qualities that benefit them in the other.

6. Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers: Both sprinting and pitching rely on fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for producing rapid, powerful contractions. Individuals with a higher proportion of fast-twitch fibers might excel in both activities due to their capacity for explosive movements.

7. Lean Muscle Mass: Sprinting is closely associated with the development of lean muscle mass, characterized by explosive power and fast-twitch muscle fiber dominance. This lean muscle mass, resulting from sprinting, enhances an athlete's ability to generate force efficiently, a quality pivotal for both sprinting acceleration and for high pitching velocity.

8. Overall Athleticism: The 10-yard dash reflects an athlete's overall explosiveness, agility, and athleticism. These qualities are not only important for sprinting but also play a role in generating the force necessary for high pitching velocities.

players in MLB were significantly faster in the 10-yard sprint than players in AA, A, and Rookie leagues. No other significant differences in 10- yard sprint speed were noted among players of any of the other professional leagues. (5)

9. Biomechanical Efficiency: Efficient movement patterns are key to optimizing both sprinting and pitching performance. Athletes with good biomechanics are likely to exhibit better movement efficiency in multiple athletic activities, leading to a correlation between the 10-yard dash and pitching velocity.

The results of this study indicate that in elite baseball players, FMS™ scores are associated with athletic performance in sprinting and agility (4)

While the exact relationship between the 10-yard dash and pitching velocity may vary based on individual differences and other factors, the shared biomechanical and physiological aspects of explosive movements likely contribute to their correlation.


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  2. Maćkała, Krzysztof, Marek Fostiak, and Kacper Kowalski. "Selected determinants of acceleration in the 100m sprint." Journal of human kinetics 45 (2015): 135.

  3. Nakata, H., Nagami, T., Higuchi, T., Sakamoto, K., & Kanosue, K. (2013). Relationship Between Performance Variables and Baseball Ability in Youth Baseball Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(10), 2887–2897. doi:10.1519/jsc.0b013e3182a1f58a 

  4. Liang, Yu-Pin, et al. "Collegiate baseball players with more optimal functional movement patterns demonstrate better athletic performance in speed and agility." Journal of sports sciences 37.5 (2019): 544-552.

  5. Hoffman, Jay R., et al. "Anthropometric and performance comparisons in professional baseball players." The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 23.8 (2009): 2173-2178.